Sunday, November 4, 2012

Joey Don Mills - Food is safe but service may cause diarrhea

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Date visited: November 3, 2012

Time: 6:45 pm

Party Size: 20

Price: $27.33 after tax and tips (tips was fixed at 15% cause we had a large party size)

Food consumed:
- $5.50 pint of Sapporo (special on Saturdays)
- $15 for Mushroom Cheddar Burger served with Freedom Fries (no onions on burger - I absolutely hate onions)


Pictures of food consumed: (Click on image to enlarge)

I need to invest in a DSLR. Maybe I should start a non-for-profit charity about raising awareness on food poisoning, especially in CHINESE restaurants. Funds will be used to purchase a DSLR. Donations will be issued, obviously.
Review of Restaurant:
After 24 hours of dining at Joey Don Mills, no diarrhea. It is on my safe list, which was expected since it's a Caucasian restaurant.

The short review wouldn't be interesting without telling you about the service. We packed up and walked towards the exit when one employee asked: "How was the service today?". I replied back, "It was okay......" I felt a nudge from a friend, which I took as "let's go, stop talking to her". I told her: "Sorry, I gotta go now, bye!" and I left. My other friend stopped and started talking to her, telling her about the service:

1) It was really unorganized, the waitress asked for our names for the orders. They did not know who to give the food to.
2) Someone asked for ketchup, the waiter did not know who to give it to
3) It took a long time for the drinks to arrive
4) It took a long time for the bills to come and to pay
5) When we were about to leave, the waitress came up to us and said someone did not pay. We later found out that the cash went "missing". After a lengthy discussion between the birthday girl and the waitress, she went to talk to her manager and came back saying it was okay.

Based on those factors, the experience wasn't the best even though they charged a 15% mandatory service charge for hosting a large party. Seems like the service wasn't on par with the service charge.

Anyway, the manager came out and spoke to the birthday girl. Was very nice and offered a $50 gift card. I would not return back even though I had a $50 gift card, just didn't hit the mark.

City of Toronto Inspection Report

Here's a copy of their past inspections from the City of Toronto. There is an infraction at the beginning of 2012. Minor compared to the Chinese restaurants in my other posts.

Team Rocket Blasting Off!!!

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