Sunday, November 18, 2012

Blue Ocean Cafe - As blue as the ocean

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Date visited: November 11, 2012

Time: 2:30 PM

Party Size: 8

Price: $8.50 before tax and tips

Type of restaurant: Hong Kong cafe style

Food consumed: "Baked Mini Steak Rice w/ Cream Sauce (with Cheese)" (Direct quote from the menu, who proof reads these menus?). By steak, Hong Kong people uses a thin slice of beef and cut it into several slices. It's not your typical steak portion that you get at the Keg, so be warned if you ever get steak in a HK restaurant.

It is served with choice of soup and hot drink. I selected Russian borscht and hot lemon tea. I really like HK style cafe because they give you value for your money. I pray hard that I don't end up at a restaurant similar to Sugar Sweet Cafe.

It's rare for a HK restaurant this small to have their own website. Something is fishy. I will ask for their accounting records for the last 10 years.

Pictures of food consumed:
Hot lemon tea - Yes, I stirred it then took the picutre
Complimentary tea

Russian borscht
Main course - cheesy

Review of Restaurant: I ate at this restaurant the day after the house party at Mr Ho's, still waiting for the pictures. My stomach was not in the best shape. But..there was no BP oil spill with this restaurant. It did not take more than one day to clean up. It was as blue as the ocean. (For the young Padawans, this is a metaphor)

This restaurant obtained my seal of approve, a very rare and prestigious award. Only a select few can get this. Think of this like winning the Tour de France, but this is the Tour of Jer. As with the real Tour de France, the honour can be stripped off like how they did it to Lance Armstrong. So don't go running to this restaurant thinking you'll never get food poisoning.

This is the first restaurant reviewed that is located in the York Region area. It is a different region in Ontario. The program is called YorkSafe. Only two types of signs are issued. The green pass one and a red closed one. Not much is provided with regards to this program. On to the nitty-gritty reports:

(Click on images to enlarge - in reverse chronological order)
The biggest concern to me is separating raw food from ready to eat foods. It least it was corrected, hopefully they don't forget.

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