Sunday, October 28, 2012

About Me

Who's this guy complaining about the restaurants he visits? What does he do?

I was born and raised in an igloo in the Great Artic. It is located north of the GREATEST country in the world, God Bless the United States of America.

(Didn't know Will Ferrell reinforced this fact until I rewatched Talladega Nights.)
I share my room with a pet beaver named Chuck. His name came from the saying "How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

Answer: A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could if a woodchuck could chuck wood. (Source: Wiki Answers)

As a boy, I chased after geese and steal their feathers to stuff them into Canada Goose so fellow city dwellers can wear them at when it's "cold".

Coming from an Asian background, I know Kung-Fu by default and am related to Jackie Chan, Jet Li, and PSY. Yes, PSY knows Tae-Kwon-Do by default. Don't underestimate him by his looks.

My family owns rice paddies and a rickshaw business back in the motherland. Contact me if you want to sample our rice. Our rickshaw business also won many prestigious awards such as annual International Richshaw Race which is funded by the Save the Panda Charity For Profit.

I probably lost credibility for my blog based on this page. So I will redeem myself.

I am born and raised in Toronto, Canada.

My Engrish (can't believe there is a wikipedia entry for this) skills are not the best, I never learned Enrigh grammar before. So blame Sesame Streets if my grammar is not perfect. My dad made me study math.

This is why I am an accountant. Lau, portrayed by Chin Han in The Dark Knight, couldn't make this stereotype better: "I'm good with numbers". Forgot the scene, but it stuck to me.

I aspire to become a hybrid Health Inspector and CRA auditor. Since I'm inspecting your restaurant, might as well audit your HST filings. But it is a municipal vs. federal thing. There goes my dream job.

My friends have always asked me to write a blog about my food experience. Most sites/blogs are reviewing restaurants but there is an opening in the market: What if the review is about my washroom experience after eating at a particular restaurant. Hope this blog is useful to everyone and will help you make informed decisions.

Enough about me, read my blog. Praying that your bowel movement are natural flowing and luscious! Happy Washroom Time!

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