Sunday, October 28, 2012

About the Blog Name

The blog is called Run, Jer, Run. This idea came up during a recent discussion with FChik. We were discussing about potential names. He suggested The Running Man which is based off of some Korean TV show. I was thinking of another movie by the same name, The Running Man, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. Today, I just thought of another movie, Forrest Gump.

For those not familiar with the expression, having "the runs" means you need to go take a dump.

So there we have it folks, the name Run, Jer, Run is inspired by Forrest Gump. (Exclamation mark removed to avoid plagiarism - in case the quote is trademarked) iFone is not the same as iPhone if it is spelled differently.

To avoid getting sued by Paramount Pictures for posting this clip, I will help them generate some sales through this non-endorsed promotion. I strongly advise you to buy this movie. It is $15.99 on Screw DVD, Blu-ray is the future as of October 28, 2012. For my Asian friends, don't pirate, just borrow from the library or watch it on NetFlix. Tom Hanks won an Oscar for Best Actor. Support Forrest Gump! Fatten the paycheques of the Paramount executives.

For our American friends, Canadians spell checks as cheques.

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