Sunday, October 27, 2013

Ruby Watchco - Family dinner with Chef Lynn Crawford (pssst... she's famous)

Those are Lynn's cookbooks on the shelf

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Date visited: July 12, 2013

Time: 6:30 pm

Party Size: 5

Price: $49 prix fixe for 4 course meal plus tax and tips


Food consumed:
- Seared heritage beef carpaccio salad (Sleger's living greens, watercress, breakfast radishes, sweet & smokey mustard aioli, brown butter croutons, horseradish dressing)
- Pan seared rainbow trout with spicy zucchini relish (warm minted garbanzo bean & tomato salad, sauteed summer greens with chili & garlic, cabbage & carrot slaw with tartar dressing)
- Canadian artisanal cheese (honey pickled gooseberries)
- Chocolate and strawberry shortcake (lemon mascarpone)

Pictures of food consumed: (Click on images to enlarge)

Review of Restaurant:
  • Why did I come to this restaurant?

My sister found this restaurant through word of mouth. Owned by a chef with appearances on Food Network, count me on board.
  • What did I think of the food and service?

The ingredients come from locally sourced farmers. Seems like this is the trend for most higher-end restaurants, focusing on the local economy and best of all fresh ingredients. The good/bad thing is that the menu changes everyday depending on what is available locally.

The food is served in a family style, in a big bowl and you pass it around. I would recommend coming in pairs since the dishes are served and meant for 2. Since we were five, we only got 2 dishes of each, which I felt ripped off.

The food was full of Food Network goodness. Each dish has a unique taste that still lingers in my mind to this date. I remembered the spiciness from the summer greens and crispiness from the rainbow trout skin.
  • How did my sensitive stomach feel?

Having the opportunity to take a picture with Chef Lynn is a great honour. It provided peace for my stomach to digest the food without any complications. She is a really down to earth kind of person. Very nice person since we got to take a picture and chat with her.

City of Toronto Inspection Report

Here are just the SIGNIFICANT AND CRUCIAL infractions:

October 13, 2013 - PASS - 1 significant infraction

1. Operate food premise-mechanical equipment not maintained to provide sufficient chemical solution rinse.

It's Chef Lynn, cut her some slack.

VERDICT: I almost fainted when I met Chef Lynn

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! Was going to post about it! Thanks for writing a nice blog about the restaurant. It was pricy but unforgettable! :D I'll link it to our travel blog!
