Sunday, October 27, 2013

Eat Fresh Be Healthy - A Hole in the Wall

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Date visited: July 26, 2013

Time: 11:30 am

Party Size: 3

Price: $15 prix fixe for 3 course meal plus tax and tips


Food consumed:
- Organic baby kale and Ontario tomato salad garnished with goat feta
- Sundried tomato, pesto and triple cream brie stuffed pan seared chicken breast
- Pomegranate panna cotta

Pictures of food consumed: (Click on images to enlarge)

Review of Restaurant:
  • Why did I come to this restaurant?

I would call this a hidden gem from Toronto. You would not notice this place if you walk by it. It is a hole in the wall restaurant. The only reason that we found this place was that my co-workers came here earlier and said it was good. They just randomly stumbled here.

$15 for a summerlicious/winterlicious type of food, you are at the right place. The food is from local farmers. There is only one chef and a helper, presumed to be his wife. Having worked at high-end and well known restaurants, you can expect good food from the chef.
  • What did I think of the food and service?

Just look at the amount of food you are getting for $15. Half-chicken: this beats Swiss Chalet's chicken any day in terms of quality and price. A bit overcooked on the chicken but when you have one chef overlooking 10 meals, it's bound to happen. I'll forgive the chef this one time. I'll be sure to return to this restaurant to try the other options from the $15 3-course meals.
  • How did my sensitive stomach feel?

Stuffed just like the chicken. I had no issues digesting the food. Can't wait to return here.

City of Toronto Inspection Report

Here are just the SIGNIFICANT AND CRUCIAL infractions:

August 2, 2012 - PASS - 1 significant infraction

1. Operator fail to ensure cover will prevent contamination or adulteration

Near perfect report. For a 2 people operation, this is good. It does get busy in this restaurant so be sure to book ahead if you are a large group.

VERDICT: A healthy alternative to the greasy food in downtown Toronto!

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