Monday, July 22, 2013

Update on Congee Town - BANNED

This is an update to the Congee Town - Congee helps with your diarrhea blog post. While browsing around the DineSafe website. I revisited Congee Town's inspection reports:

Here are just the SIGNIFICANT AND CRUCIAL infractions:

December 14, 2011 - PASS - 4 significant infractions
1. Fail to provide soap or detergent in food preparation area
2. Operator fail to ensure cover will prevent contamination or adulteration
3. Fail to have test reagent available at place of sanitization
4. Fail to provide accurate probe thermometer

April 25, 2012 - CONDITIONAL PASS - 2 crucial and 1 significant infractions
1. Employee fail to wash hands before commencing work
2. Fail to protect food from contamination or adulteration
3. Use basin other than for hand washing of employees

August 29, 2012PASS - 1 significant infraction
1. Operator fail to properly wash surfaces in rooms

February 27, 2013 CONDITIONAL PASS - 1 crucial infraction
1. Fail to protect food from contamination or adulteration

July 4, 2013 CONDITIONAL PASS - 1 crucial and 5 significant infractions
1. Fail to protect food from contamination or adulteration
2. Operator fail to clean washroom fixtures
3. Use basin other than for hand washing of employees
4. Operator fail to provide hand washing supplies
5. Operate food premise-mechanical equipment not maintained to provide sufficient material chemical solution rinse
6. Fail to clean multi-service articles after use

It's amazing how I survived my countless visits here. Either I have developed an iron stomach or I got lucky and survived a diarrhea-free dinner.

VERDICT: BANNED! Congee hurts with diarrhea but can also lead to more...

1 comment:

  1. Well now, I'm quite glad I no longer visit this place anymore for food. I used to order take out from here all the time, back when I'd visit a friend near the area. Now it just seems... bad.

    I have a weak stomach. This place definitely isn't for me.
