Sunday, July 14, 2013

Union - Poor elks, died for no reason

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Date visited: February 28, 2013

Time: 7:00 pm

Party Size: 1

Price: $45.50 plus tax and tips


Food consumed:
- Green Tea in teapot- $3.50
- Elk Sliders (Mirin galangal glaze & pickles) - $14
- Cassoulet (duck confit, smoked duck, pork sausage, ham hock, white beans) - $28

Pictures of food consumed: (Click on images to enlarge)

Review of Restaurant:
  • What did I think of the burger/service/overall?

The prices are higher because of the locally sourced food from farmer's market. I sat down and ordered the Elk Sliders as mentioned in the Toronto Life article. The plate came with 3 sliders. Downed it all in one bite except for a chewy tendon that I spat back out. I remembered the sliders being juicy and sticky. The mirin glaze caused the stickiness. From a value perspective, it was not worth it. I don't recall it being particularly worth having a return trip. I was still hungry after eating it, thus I ordered a cassoulet.

The cassoulet was very filling and hot, temperature-wise. It was very good except that the smoked duck was very very tough. I think it was either supposed to taste like that or that it was overcooked. I never had a smoked duck before so I am not certain.
  • How did my sensitive stomach feel?

My stomach was stuffed to the max. The main course made me 110% full. I had to roll out of the restaurant.

City of Toronto Inspection Report

January 18, 2012 - 2 major infractions and 2 minor infractions
1. No towel in food preparation area
2. No thermometer in storage compartment
3. Operator fail to properly wash equipment
4. Operator fail to properly wash surfaces in rooms

June 7, 2012 - One minor infraction
1. Operator fail to properly wash surfaces in rooms (they never learn)

January 9, 2013 - One significant infraction
1. No thermometer in storage compartment (you would think they would keep the thermometer in the storage)

May 15, 2013 - One major infraction and one minor infraction
1. Operator fail to properly wash surfaces in rooms (*facepalm*)
2. No thermometer in storage compartment (*facepalm* x2)

Does the owner get briefed on these inspection reports and relay it to their staff? Seems like the owner/employee throw away the thermometer once the inspectors leave the premise.

VERDICT: Not worth the price of admission but passed my stomach test.

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