Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Advice from a Toronto Star Food Critic

I would like to apologize for not posting this past Sunday. I was away in Chicago. Look forward to seeing entries for Chicago in the coming week.

I read this article on the Toronto Star the other day and wanted to share it.

Five not-so-easy tips to being a restaurant critic

5 tips on what to do as a critic (This can also be applied to what I do):

1. Be anonymous:
As posted in What If..., I do not disclose my identity as to not bias my verdicts.

2. Be persistent:
Some of the places, I have been going several times such as:
Congee Town - Congee helps with your diarrhea
Yokozuna - Doesn't taste as good as the ones in Vancouver
Made in China - BANNED

You get the idea.

3. Be consistent:
Once I get diarrhea, it is banned. Bad inspection history: banned

4. Be active: 
These past few weeks have been hard since I was traveling around. I did walk at least 4 hours a day.

5. Be prepared at parties:
Once it is banned, I don't return unless I have no choice. I try to try new places.

It's not easy doing this blog.

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