Saturday, January 18, 2014

Johnny's Hamburgers - It Started on the Magic School Bus

Pretended to be a mystery shopper by snapping a sneaky shot on my phone

Date visited: November 23, 2013

Time: 12:45 pm

Party Size: 1

Website: None but it has its own Wikipedia page's_Charcoal_Broiled_Hamburgers

Food consumed:
- Hamburger - $3.05
- Cheeseburger - $3.50

Pictures of food consumed: (Click on images to enlarge)

Review of Restaurant:
  • Why did I come to this restaurant?

As a young lad, I used to take the Magic School Bus to get to school. I would pass by this burger joint every school day. The bright orange signs were visible from a mile away as Ms. Frizzle drove us. I told myself that one day, just one day when I am old enough to drive, I will buy my burger from Johnny's Hamburgers. Flash forward to 2013 and finally I can scratch off one item from my bucket list.
  • What did I think of the food and service?

There is a reason why this place still stands to this date: friendliness of the staff and price of the burgers. To be honest, I was sorely disappointed with the burgers that I ordered. The patty wasn't that juicy and tasted cheap. The meat comes from macgregors, which surprised me since my parents bought the patties from them before.

Let me describe macgregors to you. It has the machine processing taste to it and taste a bit like cardboard (trust me, I tasted cardboard before).

The food is budget friendly but if you want to enjoy your burger, try Golden Star, double the price but well worth the price of admission. Ms. Frizzle would be proud of you.
  • How did my sensitive stomach feel?

I felt betrayed more so that food poisoned. It shouldn't have been on my bucket list in the first place.

City of Toronto Inspection Report

(Click on image to enlarge)

Here are just the SIGNIFICANT AND CRUCIAL infractions:

August 28, 201PASS

Did it even come across you that Magic School Bus was racist?
VERDICT: Jer's stomach Seal of Approval, but not burger approved


  1. Dad said that the place supposedly has good burgers. Disappointed! At least we know that it's relative clean....

  2. It's strange that the inspection history is only for this year. Usually they post 2 years of historical data even though they passed.

    Yeah, really disappointed =(
