Sunday, August 11, 2013

E11even - Bad Boy Burger

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Date visited: May 31, 2013

Time: 7:00 pm

Party Size: 2

Price: $25 plus tax and tips


Food consumed:
- Maple burger (Guinness cheddar, double smoked bacon, roasted garlic aioli) - $25
- 16 oz Sapporo - $8

Pictures of food consumed: (Click on images to enlarge)

Review of Restaurant:
  • What did I think of the burger/service/overall?

They give you a steak knife to eat the burger. A STEAK KNIFE! This is a first for a burger for me. I found the burger was salty mostly due to the bacon. If Toronto Life never recommended this burger to me, I would have never sat down to order this burger. I would not recommend this burger, especially for $25. There are cheaper places that provide better value for the burger like Burger Priest or Golden Star.
  • How did my sensitive stomach feel?

My stomach was bloated the whole evening which may have been due to the lack of snacks during my afternoons at work. Note to self, keep a drawer full of snacks to eat between lunch and dinner time.

City of Toronto Inspection Report

100% pass rate! A+, they deserve a sticker! At the price they serve their food, this doesn't surprise me.

VERDICT: This restaurant is for the rich, Lobster Mac and Cheese for $18!?! I wouldn't recommend the burger.

I like the envelope in which the bill comes in.

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