Sunday, October 20, 2013

Bymark - Everyday Dining Like a Boss

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Date visited: October 18, 2013

Time: 5:30 pm

Party Size: 2


Food consumed:
  • Albacore Sashimi (pineapple, jalapeño, mayo, black garlic) - $22
  • Bymark 8 oz. P.E.I. Grass Fed Burger (brie de meaux, porcini mushrooms) - $35!!!!
  • Trio of desserts consisting of ($13.50):
    • Rocky Road (chocolate genoise, toasted marshmallow, frozen chocolate hazelnut mousse, cookie crumble)
    • Vanilla Coconut Pana Cotta (Bymark granola, apricot glaze)
    • Crème Brûlée Doughnuts (Crème anglaise, caramel sauce)
Pictures of food consumed: (Click on images to enlarge)

Olive bread

Review of Restaurant:
  • What did I think of the burger/service/overall?

First of all, service was excellent! The server was attentive and came at the right moment. This could be due to the fact that there were only a handful of tables that were occupied.We had a choice between three types of bread and the olive bread was recommended by the server.

My benchmark for sashimi is All You Can Eat. The albacore sashimi exceeded my expectations with flying colours. Portion is small but in fine dining, you are not supposed to be full, with the exception of cruises (be on the lookout for my cruise blog entry, we overkilled it).

On to the main course, the burger. It was amazing. The porcini mushrooms were grilled and tasted amazing. The patty was cooked at medium rare and contained finely grinded meat. My mouth is salivating from recalling how good it was. Juicy, tender, melts in your mouth. If this doesn't make you want to try it then you must either a poor student or a vegetarian.

Finely the third course, a trio of desserts. Each was prepared with nice plating and adequate portion to just sample three desserts on the menu. All three desserts was so good, none were too sweet, all were prepared with perfection. I couldn't tell you which was my favourite.

  • How did my sensitive stomach feel?

Food poisoning at a fine dining restaurant is unheard of. If I could each here everyday, I would eat like a boss.

Comparison between a burger at Bymark and...

1 Bymark burger = 25 McDonald's McDoubles = 5 Golden Star Home Made All-Star Burger = 3 bowls of ramen = $35 gift card to Bymark

City of Toronto Inspection Report

100% pass rate! Yet not surprising. They probably wash their hands with Evian water.

VERDICT: Dine like a boss here everyday!

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