Monday, September 9, 2013

Wu-Tang Clams - Gangsta Clams at Ian's

Before you continue with the blog entry, listen (and watch) to the song below. It will enhance the reading experience by making you more gangsta.

Followed by:

Date visited: September 7, 2013

Time: 6:00 pm

Party Size: 2

Food consumed: 
- U.S. Clams - 4 lbs from Sunny Supermarket
- BBQ pork from T&T

The cooking process:
1. Watch a YouTube video that explains how to cook clams
2. Wash clams in a basin
3. Add lots of butter
4. Add lime
5. Stir ingredients
6. Add clams
7. Add random white wine from LCBO
8. Take out clams from pot and pour sauce over clams

Pictures of food consumed: (Click on images to enlarge) 

While cooking, we listened to what a fox sounds like. If you missed the viral video, here you go:

Overcooked clams taste like Pokemons. We overkilled on the lime and butter but whatever, our stick figures can handle all the fat. Note to self: clams and BBQ pork are not enough for two guys, we need more protein!

VERDICT: JerJai's Seal of Approval

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