Sunday, December 2, 2012

Vaughan Keg (The Keg) - "Fine Dining" Food Poisoning Proof?

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Date visited: November 29, 2012

Time: 7:00 pm

Party Size: 20+

Price: $43.11 before tax and tips

Type of restaurant: Steakhouse - Mmm.....Meat


Food consumed: 
- Pint of Heineken - $8.25
- Teriyaki Sirloin with side order of Twice Baked Potato - $23.95
- Crème brûlée - $5.95

Pictures of food consumed: (Click on images to enlarge)

Yummy bread
Can't go wrong with Heineken.
This is 8 oz, should have gotten the 12 oz. Potato was a bit burnt but still tasted good.
Crème brûlée

Review of Restaurant: My expectation coming here was that it was a safe restaurant. For the price I paid, it lived to its expectation. It was a fun night of pre-UFE celebration and a baby shower. Too bad most of us were driving. Congrats to all that passed!

York Safe Inspection Reports

For some reason, the have an inspectation at the cocktail bar and restaurant separately.

(Click on images to enlarge - in reverse chronological order)

Restaurant side:


 Cocktail bar:

High end steakhouse at its best, no infractions noted, as expected.

VERDICT: JerJai's Seal of Approval 

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