Sunday, October 19, 2014

Peru - June 14 - 30, 2014

When people mention Peru to me, the two things that come to mind are Machu Picchu and guinea pigs. After researching Peru, I noticed that it's more than just Machu Picchu and G-Force critters. You have the Colca Canyon, Amazon Jungle, sand dunes, llamas, alpacas and vicuña. Two weeks was not enough to visit everything since the Inca Trail takes a good week, but more on that later.

The main goal of the trip was to nail down Machu Picchu, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. As a preview, it's an amazing trail with deep and rich history.

June 14 - 15: Lima - The Beginning of our Journey
June 16 - 17: Huacachina - Ballestas Island, Sand Dunes, Desert Camping
June 17 - 21: Arequipa - Colca Canyon
June 21 - 29: Cusco - The Inca Trail / Machu Picchu
June 29 - 30: Lima - The End of an Epic Journey

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