Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Fisherman Lobster Clubhouse - "That's Why I Don't Eat Frigging Lobsters or Anything Like That, Because They're Alive When You Kill It"

Date visited: August 24, 2013

Time: 8:30 pm

Party Size: 6

Price: $30.83 plus tax and tips (Don't bother paying the tax, it's pretty much a surcharge on the meal. As a cash-only place in a seafood restaurant, the tax man will never see a dime from this restaurant, not even from the payroll taxes. I'm pretty sure the employees are paid by cash)

Food consumed:
Large Lobster Dinner for Six:
- Soup of the day
- Deep fried lobster with dry garlic (6 lbs)
- Steamed eel with orange peel
- Fried crab in Hong Kong style (1.75 lbs)
- Poached Clam in Hua Du Wine
- Steamed Bass (1.5 lbs)
- Snow Pea Tips with King Mushroom
- Dessert
Seems like a lot of food for six. In a Chinese restaurant, I expect to be stuffed like a foie gras.

Pictures of food consumed: (Click on images to enlarge)

It was alive before we killed it. The cruelty!!
 Insert Soup Picture Here (Wasn't worth photographing)

Poached Clam in Hua Du Wine
Steamed eel with orange peel
Fried crab in Hong Kong style

Steamed Bass
Snow Pea Tips with King Mushroom
The highlight of the meal
Insert Dessert Picture Here (Don't even recall if we had dessert or not)

Review of Restaurant:
  • Why did I come to this restaurant?

This restaurant used to be located near my house. The parking overflowed to the street to the point that the parking enforcement issued tickets to the school of illegally parked vehicles. It was a maze navigating during dinner hours. Those damn Asian drivers don't look when they exit the restaurant and nearly hit me when I jog in the area. I wanted to tackle them down. Good grief, they moved to a batter location.

I made an awareness post here. With all the dirt happening behind the scenes, I refused to enter the premise. As they moved to a bigger location, replacing a Shanghainese restaurant, and fitted with Staples' parking. Renovated area means cleaner and safe for stomach? I gave them a second chance and we shall see how they performed.
  • What did I think of the food and service?

Story time, cause everybody loves story time. We came here to celebrate a friend's farewell. You'll feel like sardines at the waiting area during dinner time.

The menu can be overwhelming with all the set meals at various prices. We picked one of the cheaper set that included lobster and did not include shark fin. After watching the documentary Sharkwater, I have seen the light.

Hold your ground like the Spartans, don't dive in to everything they tell you. The waiters will up-sell you like crazy. They'll ask if you want fries with that. If you want to upgrade your lobster size or order more dishes. Say "NO!" like how your mama taught you.

Lobsters are measured by the pound, as shown on the menu. They'll fish a lobster from the tank and ask if it's okay and warn you that they might not have the specified size left. Each extra pound adds up. If they can't find the lobster, tell them to "FISH OFF". I've heard horror stories of how some customers never received warnings for the surcharge on the wide load. Be forewarned, Chinese people are crafty and shellfish.

They'll also suggest to add extra dishes to your set meal. It's a set meal for six. For the love of lobster, why did you design a set meal for six if it won't feed us?

Bah, clams, eel, crab, bass, snow pea are not worth talking about. I didn't come here to eat this, it was one of the cheapest set meal to the catch of the day, the talk of the ocean: the garlic infested lobster. One bite and I was hooked on it. The galore of garlic perched on top of the lobster was like getting hit by an anchor, it knocked my taste buds to whole new level. Deep fried to the max, I felt my cholesterol levels sinking to the depths of the ocean as I took the bait. By this time, my friends felt like they have their guts gutted out. I kept digging in the lobster. The second good thing they have right, is that they provide you with gloves to eat the seafood, but in the end, the seafood juice seeped through the gloves. On this day, I conquered about 3 lbs of lobster by myself. I was a proud lobster killer.
  • How did my sensitive stomach feel?

My stomach did not turn red nor did I died from mercury poisoning. I'm still alive after 7 months of tackling that lobster.

City of Toronto Inspection Report

(Click on image to enlarge)
May 7, 201PASS

September 19, 201PASS

January 14, 2014 PASS

VERDICT: Jer's stomach Seal of Approval. Did you catch all the puns? This place is expensive. The lobster is the main attraction, worth it to try once.

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