Sunday, November 24, 2013

Don Don Izakaya - Manchu Wok in Disguise

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Date visited: August 2, 2013

Time: 12:30 pm

Party Size: 2

Price: $16.00 before tax and tips


Food consumed:
- Sashimi Combo B (18 pcs, assorted sashimi w/ miso soup, green salad and rice)

Pictures of food consumed: (Click on images to enlarge)

Complimentary edamame

Review of Restaurant:
  • Why did I come to this restaurant?

I keep walking past this restaurant and noticed the nice sign and decoration at the window. I told myself that I have to come here one day. On August 2, 2013, the day has come. My dreams came true, I can finally eat at this restaurant. I scouted the menu and picked what I wanted to eat. I almost crapped myself with excitement.

As we entered the restaurant, someone banged on the drum to announce that new guests have arrived. The polite waiter asked if we wanted to sit at the table beside the drum or at the counter. My manager and I opted for the counter with the recommendation of the waiter who said the drum will be annoying and loud.

We were handed a lunch menu. All of a sudden, I forgot what I had in mind and looked for some sashimi. I narrowed it down to a combo. We placed our orders and waited for our food.
  • What did I think of the food and service?

The food was good, your typical Japanese food. That is all I have to say.

The service is a mouthful. Our food took forever to come. We both got a combo so it came with miso soup, salad and rice. Each dish took so long to come that we had to ask the waiter/waitress if they can follow up with our order. At one point, I had to ask the owner where my rice was and he told his lackey to deliver my food.

The owner was shouting orders in Cantonese and following up with the waiters/chefs. He was doing his job but not delegating and training his staff well enough. The service just fell apart. I'm not the only one experiencing this.

While waiting for our food, we noticed that the cooks, standing right in front of us, were all speaking Chinese. At this instant, I was so disappointed. I thought it was an authentic restaurant.

From the website:
"Contrary to popular belief, an izakaya is not simply an "authentic Japanese restaurant""

They got the details down from the outside sign, the curtains at the entrance, the drum and the Japanese waiter/waitresses, but just not the chefs.
  • How did my sensitive stomach feel?

Raw salmon, clam, tuna all passed through my gastrointestinal tract without any incident. Earthquake averted and toilet bowl spared from misery.

City of Toronto Inspection Report

Here are just the SIGNIFICANT AND CRUCIAL infractions:

January 4, 2012 - PASS

November 7, 2012 - PASS

1. Fail to have test reagent available at place of sanitation

March 11, 2013 - PASS

July 26, 2013 - PASS

September 27, 2013 - PASS

I'm quite surprised with the track record despite being Chinese owned. Very impressed, but not impressed with the service.

VERDICT: Survived my stomach experience but this restaurant is all smokes and mirrors. Lower your expectations and you will enjoy the experience. 

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