Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sugar Sweet Cafe - Definite Ban

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Date visited: Many times

Time: N/A

Party Size:Various

Price: Dirt cheap

Type of restaurant: Hong Kong cafe style

Food consumed:
Usually I have the Chinese style steak (a very thin slice of beef and they call it steak, I like to call it beef bacon). They are served on a sizzling plate in the shape of a cow. Black pepper is my preferred choice of sauce. It is also served with steam vegetables (1 carrot stick and 1 broccoli), Russian borscht and rice or spaghetti. Bang for your buck right? (Silly rabbit, they also serve food poisoning!)

Pictures of food consumed:
None taken at the time. I did not think of creating a blog during that time. I regret it but REFUSE to return there for the reason below.

Review of Restaurant:
I used to frequent this restaurant often. The waitress are snobby, they look down on customer with CBC accents. They are very rude as with many Chinese restaurants.

One day, I was walking on the sidewalk and the waitress was turning into the plaza to go to work. She almost ran me down. This is why I refuse to return there. Typical Asian driver, but I'm not giving my money to that place. There are other HK style cafe around that are better.

Another reason was because I got food poisoned. I ordered a sizzling plate with chicken and black pepper sauce. This was like back in 2008 or 2009. The meat wasn't fully cooked and I got sick. I went to the doctor and sent my stool samples. I gave them the name of the restaurant and they did their inspections. Unfortunately, no conditional pass was issued. They probably got a heads up on the inspection and sanitized their whole kitchen.

I guess they got lazy because I found this on the City of Toronto DineSafe link:


3 conditional passes within 2 years, that's a record so far. The last record holder was Chinese Dumpling House. Why am I so unlucky with Chinese restaurants?

Official Documented Trip

Date visited: December 1, 2012

Time: 2:00 pm

Party Size: 2

Price: $9.50 before tax and tips

Food consumed: Chicken steak on sizzling plate with black pepper sauce, served with rice and steam vegetables (broccoli, frozen vegetables), Russian borscht and hot lemon tea.

Pictures of food consumed: (Click on images to enlarge) In HD "Hay-ch Dee" quality.

Complimentary tea
Russian borscht

Hot Lemon Tea
Rice, what else could it be? A knife?

Chicken steak with black pepper sauce

Review of Restaurant: I lied. I came back.

Two reasons:
1. FD suggested this restaurant, can't refuse this invite.
2. To document the experience and use my camera. FD is an avid photographer and was able to teach me how to take good pictures. *Props to him*

I am proud of my pictures. I know they might not win a Pulitzer Prize but I tried my best.

No washroom disaster but it is still banned. Once tainted, always tainted.


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